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Video Production

White Whale Pictures




A Good Story Makes all the Difference.

You can have all the latest equipment and technology in the world, but what matters most is that you know how to tell a story.

That’s why we bring big screening thinking (and experience) to small-screen platforms in our approach to sharing the messages of our clients.


Think about it.

  • Stories Make You Unique: Every client has their own story, so they should be seen as unique through that story!

  • Stories Create An Emotional Response: When you connect with a viewer’s emotions, your message connects (and STAYS) with them.

  • Stories Don’t Come Off Like Sales: A well-told story tells a client/customer/employee “why” not just “how” or “what.”

  • Stories Break the Monotony: Not every video production has to be a literal message that is 85% drone shots.

Let us show you.

Industrial Video

We understand the importance of safety & training in the field of industry. Let us help you keep your employees safe and informed with practical, yet entertaining, video training tools.


Corporate Marketing

Whether you’re wanting a sales & marketing tool for your products/services or a teaching tool for any particular group of people, we have the equipment, the experience, and the expertise to get it done.

Visual Effects & Animations

Sometimes a video just needs that extra little boost
with an animation, an illustration, or a special visual effect.

Through the years, we have built a team of visual effects artists from around the globe that are capable of just about anything you can imagine!


TV & Online Advertising

There’s no rule that says you can’t tell an amazing story in 30 seconds and ensure that your product stays in the minds of anyone who sees it.

We collaborate on your vision to bring your business to life!


Capturing and documenting the great stories in life is one of the most important things we can do as artists.

At White Whale Pictures, we have a storied history of getting that done.