WWP Animated Series Wins National Safety Award

The Interstate Mining Compact Commission has announced that the animated video series ‘Coyote and Oleta’ is the 2021 winner of the National Mine Safety and Health Training Award. The series was created by White Whale Pictures in partnership with Navajo Transitional Energy Company and North American Coal: Bisti Fuels. Written, produced and directed by our very own Justin Hunt, the series is spoken entirely in the Navajo language and tracks the workplace mishaps by the oft aloof Coyote, an important character in the Navajo culture. Oleta, the constant voice of safety and reason, helps Coyote learn valuable safety lessons in each episode.

This is the fourth national safety award that WWP has won in partnership with NTEC and Bisti Fuels in the last two years.


On This Date: March 5, 2011


WWP Signs Agreement with Balcony 9 Productions